onsdag 9 september 2009

Att ga over an efter vatten

Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro was good but internet free. Right now I'm in an internet café in northern Argentina, so this will have to be a brief entry.

After spending a sunny week in Rio with some other people from the team I went on a 24-hour buss ride to Foz do Iguacu in southern Brazil. I arrived yesterday and it's been raining for two days straight. The place is famous for a huge water fall (The Iguacu falls) so I've been watching a lot of water in the rain. Yesterday I saw the falls on the Brazilian side and today I crossed the border to Argentina and Puerto Igusú, where I am now. It's a nice town, but not too much to do. I've mainly been walking around the town in the rain and sorting out some practical issues. Tomorrow I will visit the falls on the Brazilian side and then head on to Buenos Aires in the evening.

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